混音是指基于插值的数据增强,最初是作为超越经验风险最小化(ERM)的一种方式。然而,它的扩展侧重于插值的定义及其发生的空间,而增强本身的研究较少:对于$ m $的小批量,大多数方法在$ m $对之间的插值与单个标量插值之间的插值因子$ \ lambda $。在这项工作中,我们通过引入Multimix来朝这个方向取得进展,Multimix插入了任意数字$ n $的元组,每个元组,长度$ m $,一个vector $ \ lambda $每个元组。在序列数据上,我们进一步扩展到所有空间位置上的密集插值和损失计算。总体而言,我们通过数量级以几乎没有成本来增加每个小批量的元素数量。通过在分类器之前的最后一层插值来可以通过插值。最后,为了解决因线性目标插值而引起的不一致之处,我们引入了一种自我鉴定方法来生成和插值合成目标。我们从经验上表明,我们的贡献导致对四个基准测试的最先进混合方法的显着改善。通过分析嵌入空间,我们观察到这些类更紧密地聚集并均匀地分布在嵌入空间上,从而解释了改善的行为。
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很少拍摄的学习解决了学习如何解决不仅仅是有限的监督而且有限的数据的挑战。有吸引力的解决方案是合成数据生成。然而,大多数此类方法过于复杂,专注于输入空间中的高质量现实数据。目前尚不清楚是否将它们适应少次拍摄的制度并使用它们在分类的下游任务中是正确的方法。以前关于综合数据生成的工作,用于几次分类专注于利用复杂模型,例如,具有多个常规方或网络的Wasserstein GaN,可从新颖的课程中传输潜在的分集。我们遵循不同的方法,并调查如何有效地使用简单和简单的合成数据生成方法。我们提出了两个贡献,即我们表明:(1)使用简单的损失函数足以训练几次拍摄设置中的一个特征生成器; (2)学习生成张量特征而不是矢量特征是优越的。在MiniimAgenet,Cub和CiFar-FS数据集上的广泛实验表明,我们的方法设置了新的最新状态,优于更复杂的少量数据增强方法。源代码可以在https://github.com/michalislazarou/tfh_fewshot找到。
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Semi-supervised learning is becoming increasingly important because it can combine data carefully labeled by humans with abundant unlabeled data to train deep neural networks. Classic methods on semi-supervised learning that have focused on transductive learning have not been fully exploited in the inductive framework followed by modern deep learning. The same holds for the manifold assumption-that similar examples should get the same prediction. In this work, we employ a transductive label propagation method that is based on the manifold assumption to make predictions on the entire dataset and use these predictions to generate pseudo-labels for the unlabeled data and train a deep neural network. At the core of the transductive method lies a nearest neighbor graph of the dataset that we create based on the embeddings of the same network. Therefore our learning process iterates between these two steps. We improve performance on several datasets especially in the few labels regime and show that our work is complementary to current state of the art.
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Recent large-scale image generation models such as Stable Diffusion have exhibited an impressive ability to generate fairly realistic images starting from a very simple text prompt. Could such models render real images obsolete for training image prediction models? In this paper, we answer part of this provocative question by questioning the need for real images when training models for ImageNet classification. More precisely, provided only with the class names that have been used to build the dataset, we explore the ability of Stable Diffusion to generate synthetic clones of ImageNet and measure how useful they are for training classification models from scratch. We show that with minimal and class-agnostic prompt engineering those ImageNet clones we denote as ImageNet-SD are able to close a large part of the gap between models produced by synthetic images and models trained with real images for the several standard classification benchmarks that we consider in this study. More importantly, we show that models trained on synthetic images exhibit strong generalization properties and perform on par with models trained on real data.
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Lipschitz regularized f-divergences are constructed by imposing a bound on the Lipschitz constant of the discriminator in the variational representation. They interpolate between the Wasserstein metric and f-divergences and provide a flexible family of loss functions for non-absolutely continuous (e.g. empirical) distributions, possibly with heavy tails. We construct Lipschitz regularized gradient flows on the space of probability measures based on these divergences. Examples of such gradient flows are Lipschitz regularized Fokker-Planck and porous medium partial differential equations (PDEs) for the Kullback-Leibler and alpha-divergences, respectively. The regularization corresponds to imposing a Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy numerical stability condition on the PDEs. For empirical measures, the Lipschitz regularization on gradient flows induces a numerically stable transporter/discriminator particle algorithm, where the generative particles are transported along the gradient of the discriminator. The gradient structure leads to a regularized Fisher information (particle kinetic energy) used to track the convergence of the algorithm. The Lipschitz regularized discriminator can be implemented via neural network spectral normalization and the particle algorithm generates approximate samples from possibly high-dimensional distributions known only from data. Notably, our particle algorithm can generate synthetic data even in small sample size regimes. A new data processing inequality for the regularized divergence allows us to combine our particle algorithm with representation learning, e.g. autoencoder architectures. The resulting algorithm yields markedly improved generative properties in terms of efficiency and quality of the synthetic samples. From a statistical mechanics perspective the encoding can be interpreted dynamically as learning a better mobility for the generative particles.
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